For a better overview, offers are displayed in two separate lists. In the first list you find offers by companies, state agencies, associations etc., in the second list you find offers by universities and research institutes.
ID | Employer | Title | On | ||
189929 |
| Gesucht: Domstiftforstmeister (w/m/d) des Domstifts Brandenburg |
ID | Employer | Title | On | ||
190547 |
| Leitung Koordinationsbüro Innovationszentrum für Agrarsystemtransformation (IAT) (m/w/d) |
| ||
190524 |
| Regionale/r Netzwerkmanager/in (m/w/d) |
| ||
190469 |
| Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in (Doktorand*in) (w,m,div.) im Bereich ökologischer Gemüsebau |
| ||
190414 |
| Professur (W2) Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung |
| ||
189975 |
| Forschungsgruppenleitung (w,m,div.) Gartenbausysteme im Freiland |
| ||
189916 |
| Leitung Botanische Sammlungen Zuschendorf (m/w/d) |
Here you find profiles of companies, which are constantly searching for new employees. Speculative applications and taking a look at the job portal of the respective company are worthwhile. For example these companies are searching currently:
ID | Employer | Statement | ||
1826 |
| Quality based on experience | ||
1838 |
| Processing and packaging for a better life. |