Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:
part-time employment may be possible
The employee will be placed in the specified pay group if all personal and pay scale requirements are met.
Our department focuses on three main research areas: Energy Engineering, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Contamination Control.
Our research projects are typically application-oriented and practice-focused. For example, we investigate possibilities for CO2-neutral heating/cooling systems for buildings and entire neighborhoods. This includes the entire process chain, from generation, distribution, and storage to regulation and utilization in spaces. Additionally, one team of researchers in our department studies thermal comfort and air quality experimentally and numerically. Another team focuses on the spread of airborne contaminants in various room use scenarios and develops ventilation-based protection concepts that can be adapted to different spaces and purposes.
The IT Specialist will be responsible for designing and operating complex IT infrastructures, including computing clusters, databases, and web interfaces, to support research activities. This role includes ensuring IT security and data protection, advising researchers on programming tasks, and optimizing applications for big data analysis and simulations. The position also involves supporting the submission of research proposals and integrating new technologies while acting independently and making strategic decisions. Strong technical and scientific knowledge is required, particularly in high-performance computing, networks, and building technology.
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kriegel (030 314 – 24170).
Desirable Skills:
Send your application, including all relevant documents (CV, certificates, and, if applicable, letters of recommendation), referencing the job number via email or post to: Technischen Universität Berlin - Die Präsidentin - Fakultät III, FG Energie, Komfort und Gesundheit in Gebäuden, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kriegel, Sekr. HL 45, Marchstr. 4, 10587 Berlin. E-Mail:
For cost reasons, application documents will not be returned. Please only submit copies.
By submitting your application via email you consent to having your data electronically processed and saved. Please note that we do not provide a guaranty for the protection of your personal data when submitted as unprotected file. Please find our data protection notice acc. DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation) at the TU staff department homepage: .
To ensure equal opportunities between women and men, applications by women with the required qualifications are explicitly desired. Qualified individuals with disabilities will be favored. The TU Berlin values the diversity of its members and is committed to the goals of equal opportunities. Applications from people of all nationalities and with a migration background are very welcome.
ID: 191510